Autism is primarily a disorder of the brain, but research suggests that as many as
nine out of ten individuals with the condition also suffer from gastrointestinal
problems such as inflammatory bowel disease and leaky gut. Leaky gut occurs
when the intestines become excessively permeable and then they leak their
contents into the bloodstream. When certain gut microbes cross over into the
blood, over time this can cause inflammation. Inflammation and high inflammatory
toxins in the blood have been associated with a number of brain disorders including
severe depression, dementia, and schizophrenia.
The communication network that connects your gut and brain is termed the gut-
brain axis. The two are connected both physically and biochemically in a number of
different ways. Gut bacteria affect brain health, so changing gut bacteria may
improve brain health. So, how does one go about changing their gut bacteria? Let’s
explore some ideas together.

The first step to improving gut bacteria and improving brain health is to eliminate anything that can hurt the brain. According to Dr. Daniel Amen, “There is one thing that ALL people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) should do, regardless of whether their brains are overactive or under-active…eliminate anything that can
hurt their brain. It is important to realize that the food you eat is either
medicine or it is poison. Here are the top 5 foods to avoid as they can made ASD
worse: Gluten, Dairy, Corn, Sugar, and Artificial ingredients.”
Gluten is a sticky protein found in grains, most notably, wheat. Its stickiness is why
it’s so commonly used in processed foods as a binder or filler. Today’s wheat, unlike
the wheat our grandparents ate, contains new proteins that have caused an increase
in system inflammation and intolerance of gluten. Your body can also create
antibodies to gluten, which can inflame your brain. Gluten negatively effects the
functioning of the cerebellum (the ‘little brain’ located at the back of the brain and
responsible for higher cognitive and emotional functions) and those with ASD
already have decreased functioning of the cerebellum; gluten can make it much
In my next post, I will share with you the negative effects dairy, corn, sugar, and
artificial ingredients can have on the brain, particularly in those with autism and
-Shannon Ebbers
Certified Nutrition and Cognitive Therapist
(Special interest in nutrition and learning disabilities )